Our tours range from moderate to intermediate to advanced in difficulty and the trail surfaces may be dirt road, 4wd routes and/or singletrack. Please make sure you are not choosing a tour that is too difficult for your skill level. Call our office if you have questions.
Moderate Rating: Suitable for riders with an average to good fitness level who engage in some form of regular exercise and are comfortable riding a bike for 2+ hours. Hills and descents are typically of short duration and longer steeper pitches can be easily walked. Trail surfaces will vary and change with occasional obstacles on trail (rocks, roots, sand) that can be either ridden or walked. We strongly recommend training for your tour by getting on a bike as much as possible to get your butt used to the bike seat!
Intermediate Rating: Suitable for riders with good to excellent fitness level. Previous mountain bike experience is recommended. Trail surfaces may include uneven terrain and narrow trails, singletrack, with occasional obstacles (roots, rocks, sand). Hills and descents are moderate to strenuous and require some skill. Riders with minimal mountain bike experience but who have road biking skills or a strong fitness level along with an adventurous spirit may be suitable for an intermediate tour. Note: Challenging Intermediate Tours require more mountain biking experience due to consistently more challenging terrain.
Advanced Rating: Suitable for experienced mountain bikers only with excellent fitness and strong bike handling skills. Riding is primarily on rugged 4wd doubletrack with frequent obstacles or high elevation singletrack. Sections of trail can be very challenging with frequent ascents and descents of significant length. Most of our advanced level tours are located at elevations ranging from 8,000 to 12,000 feet where trail conditions can change rapidly due to weather conditions and thunderstorms.
Singletrack Tours: Singletrack trails add an element of technical difficulty because of the narrowness of the trails. If you are considering an intermediate or advanced singletrack trip, previous experience riding singletrack trails is essential.